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Friday 3 August 2018

fox NEWS: Amazing photo reveals a lunar eclipse like you've never seen it before

Amazing photo reveals a lunar eclipse like you've never seen it before

If you've ever stood in the totality of a solar eclipse, you've seen something astonishing: the full width of the moon's dark shadow blocking out the sun, perfectly encircled by the dim, wispy rays of the sun's corona. And if you've also stood outside during a lunar eclipse, you might know that the effect is somewhat less dramatic. As Earth's shadow falls on the moon, it quickly swallows the smaller orbiting rock. The effect of the moon glowing bloody red with Earth's refracted twilight is beautiful, but the effect doesn't fully convey the scale of the astronomical phenomenon at work in the same in-your-face way as happens during a solar eclipse. The moon, much smaller than Earth's shadow, never shows the whole thing on its surface.


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