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Friday 4 October 2019

Ecuador joins UNODC #DeadlyBusiness Campaign against Migrant Smuggling

Ecuador joins UNODC #DeadlyBusiness Campaign against Migrant Smuggling

Cuenca (Ecuador), 4 October 2019 - The Government of Ecuador officially adopted the #DeadlyBusiness campaign against migrant smuggling, an initiative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), on 1 October. The campaign aims at informing migrants about the risks involved in hiring smugglers to leave their countries of origin in an irregular manner. By joining this project, Ecuador is taking an important step towards the implementation of the "Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration". Cuenca (Ecuador), 4 October 2019 - The Government of Ecuador officially adopted the #DeadlyBusiness campaign against migrant smuggling, an initiative of UNODC, on 1 October. The campaign aims at informing migrants about the risks involved in hiring smugglers to leave their countries of origin in an irregular manner. By joining this project, Ecuador is taking an important step towards the implementation of the "Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration".

Published October 05, 2019 at 12:28AM

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